Launch of Human Rights Expert Forum

In early 2023 Telenor made the commitment to launch an Expert Forum to explore possible future dilemmas Telenor may face in respecting human rights, both at a time of change for its business, and where respect for human rights poses challenges for businesses in many parts of the world.
When selecting members for the Forum, expertise in business and human rights was the most important criteria. Some members also have experience of working or engaging with Telenor. The Forum currently has six external members, all of whom serve in their personal capacity and are compensated for their time. They are: Vicky Bowman, Mark Hodge, Dunstan Allison Hope, Jason Pielemeier, Salil Tripathi and Liv Torres. The forum is facilitated by Susan Morgan, and includes internal membership from Telenor employees.
All members of the Forum approach it with an open mind. Agendas and topics for discussion are co-created. Members of the Forum retain their independence and are able to speak freely. They do not speak on behalf of Telenor, nor collectively as a group, unless otherwise stated explicitly or necessarily for the organisations with which they may be associated, unless otherwise stated explicitly. Members of the Forum understand that there may be some instances where confidentiality requirements may prevent Telenor from disclosing certain information, or where they may be party to confidences that they should respect.
The Expert Forum is not intended to provide advice to the company on specific current issues. Nor is it designed to replace Telenor’s existing consultations and activities with stakeholders, which will continue as before. Members of the Forum do not directly represent stakeholder communities affected by Telenor´s activities. Telenor and/or the Forum will invite external experts or rightsholders to take part where relevant for discussions on specific issues or markets.
The Forum will meet five times during 2023. At the end of this year a summary of insights from the Forum will be published. It is hoped that the outcome of the work may be of benefit to the wider business and human rights community.