DnB NOR renews its cooperation agreement with Telenor

Press release
4 minute read
DnB NOR and Telenor signed a three-year agreement worth a total of NOK 240 million for the supply of telephony solutions to DnB NOR's offices in the Nordic region.
Fom left: Liv Siksdahl EVP Operations DnB NOR, Ragnar Kårhus, Head of Telenor Norway, Cathrine Klouman, EVP IT at DnB NOR

The agreement covers mobile subscriptions, mobile data services, fixed and IP telephony and SMS services. The aim of the cooperation agreement is to further develop DnB NOR's business areas by exploiting new technology based on a platform that is both scalable and cost-effective. During the period of the agreement Telenor is under obligation to continually develop DnB NOR's telecommunication strategy.

The mobile worker and effective customer interaction

DnB NOR aims to create the completely mobile worker. Telenor wishes to help with the development of communication solutions for DnB NOR that provide seamless integration across all types of fixed telephony, mobile telephony and data services.

DnB NOR wants a solution that is future-oriented, cost-effective and allows value creation in the Nordic financial market. This will be supported by a broad range of solutions that aid customer dialogue and that will give DnB NOR's customers a perceived proximity to the bank.

"DnB NOR, by virtue of its size, security requirements and professional customer dialogue, is an incredibly exciting customer for Telenor to work with. We want to be DnB NOR's leading advisor across all technologies. Both companies have worked together for a long time. We will face a lot of exciting challenges and I see the new agreement as proof of the fact that we can resolve these challenges in partnership," says Ragnar Kårhus CEO Telenor Norway.

Unified Communication

DnB NOR will use Unified Communications to increase the organisation's ability to interact and make its business processes more efficient. The project is in an early test phase and will continue to be developed.

"We have chosen Telenor because of its ability to supply solutions that will improve our costefficiency and interaction internally, within DnB NOR, and when we are in dialogue with our customers," says Cathrine Klouman, Group executive vice president IT at DnB NOR.


DnB NOR is Norway's largest financial services group with total combined assets of NOK 2,141 billion. The Group consists of strong brands such as DnB NOR, Vital, Nordlandsbanken, Cresco, Postbanken, DnB NORD and Carlson.

Contact information:

Hege Resvoll Skaug, Director of Communications, DnB NOR
Tel: (+47) 91 76 56 25
E-mail: hege.resvoll.skaug@dnbnor.no

Elisabeth Evjen, Director of Communications, Telenor
Tel: (+47) 41 27 00 00
E-mail: elisabeth.evjen@telenor.com