Innovative managed IoT connectivity solutions

We have been pioneering innovative IoT connectivity for more than two decades, delivering clear value to our customers. More than 20 million IoT units are connected through our solutions, supporting individual users, small enterprises and large corporations.
Our teams are working on IoT solutions from a wide range of perspectives, spanning research, innovation, customer development and operations. A holistic approach means that we are able to optimise the end-to-end experience and ensure that all parts of the solutions are covered and can be trusted.
For innovative solutions, it is key to understand that the true value is ultimately seen when the solutions are actually being used by our customers.
Industry-leading IoT
Telenor is among the largest IoT providers globally, based on the number of IoT devices connected. Solutions are provided to customers from different units, depending on their needs. For example, Telenor Connexion (a Telenor subsidiary) manages large customers that have complex requirements across multiple countries and regions. We also have solutions addressing specific local offerings for consumers and smaller enterprises. In this way, our portfolio of IoT solutions solves many of the customer needs for improving efficiency, safety, compliance reporting and more..
We have a unique advantage in the field. Telenor is also a major network operator, giving us solid experience and insights into which connectivity options are best for each use case. These options are adapted to the end-to-end solution, providing the most value for our customers over time.
Connecting IoT devices is key to digitalisation
IoT solutions are used in various ways, also to make our society a safer and better place to work and live. For example, connecting cameras and sensors in a work environment can detect and provide automatic alerts in the area in case of crisis. We support cases where our customers are ensuring that necessary safety equipment is being used and ensuring that employees stay out of risk zones.
Our solutions also have benefits to the environment and for sustainability. Outcomes range from improving transportation and avoiding unnecessary travel, as units can be remotely managed. Connecting robots to perform transactional tasks allows for all-day and all-night operations with lights out.
In several of the business-critical processes, robots must be connected in order to proactively intervene to keep production running. One example we are involved with is connecting installation robots along an assembly line for producing trucks.
IoT sensors that can monitor temperature, water levels, fire, wind and the combination of gases are fundamental for communities to detect and predict changes in the environment, such as natural disasters, which are occurring more frequently worldwide.
Scaling managed IoT connectivity
Scaling is key for connectivity, both to ensure that the latest features and services are available in due time, and to support the proper price points. With our position as a network operator, scale is gained across all services, providing connectivity to IoT devices as well as smartphones, smart homes, offices and more. This means that we can provide scale to IoT connectivity, both for our own networks and through the collaborations we have with partners and operators. Roaming agreements between operators can support IoT devices, which will extend the geographical coverage for our IoT customers to virtually every country in the world.
Telenor is among the leading operators to support new generations and functionality, to the benefit of all our customers. Examples of this are the launch of 5G and the shift to the cloud, in addition to strengthened security of connectivity.
Partnering for joint value
Telenor has several partnerships, and we are involved in joint research and co-creation with partners and customers. Within the EU we have been coordinating and participating in many projects, such as 5G-VINNI and Beyond 5G, which are also providing innovative IoT connectivity. which are also providing innovative IoT connectivity.
Through the innovation activities, we bring creative minds together to solve end-to-end needs. This often involves devices and applications, but also network and service platforms.