High level forum on AI skills

Artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping many of our ways of working, living, and interacting. The Telenor AI Forum aims to facilitate a discussion between thought leaders and experts on how AI technologies can be introduced in an inclusive, safe and sustainable way.
Report on AI Skills for developers and users
The report shares learning from structured conversations between a group of experts in the second half of 2024, focusing on the skills that developers and users of the technology will need. The report provides key conclusions and recommendations.
We hope the report will inspire a continued dialogue among stakeholders.

Download report
Telenor is hosting a high-level forum on AI skills-building with the aim to foster a wider dialogue on the future deployment and use of AI technologies. The forum provides an inclusive space for distinguished interdisciplinary experts, encompassing both the developer and user communities, to discuss and share insights and ideas on the topic of AI skills, inclusion and safety. The discussions will be focusing on the Nordics, and the aim is to identify effective measures to address salient issues and challenges.
Telenor will be responsible for hosting the AI Forum and the discussions. We believe that a cross-functional approach, involving diverse perspectives, will provide the best way towards sustainable, awareness-building and workable solutions. We are excited to welcome the participation of some of the most important thought-leaders on the topic of AI skills and responsible use to participate.
At the AI Forum we will focus on the necessary skillsets for both AI developers and AI users to enable using the technology in a responsible way that can also be of benefit to wider society. Development and use of AI technologies should aim to address biases, be based on high-quality data and promote fair, non-discriminatory and equal treatment and opportunities for all. Although we are seeing a lot of initiatives related to responsible AI, we still feel there is a need for an arena where technical/developer and social/user skills and knowledge come together to identify workable measures to address the challenges.

At Telenor, our AI-First Strategy is rooted in our mission to harness the full potential of AI to unlock new value for our customers, our company and employees, and the societies we serve. Underpinning our AI ambition is an unwavering focus on responsible AI, and our continued work to raise ethical standards with regards to AI development in an inclusive, safe, secure, and sustainable way.
Read more about the Forum experts
As part of Telenor’s commitment to empower societies, we strive to ensure digital access for all, to equip people with knowledge and resources to help them navigate the digital world effectively and safely and foster a supportive ecosystem that can address risks and grow digital resilience. We are confident that by working with experienced partners, Telenor can contribute to develop better digital skills and drive positive social impact. With the increasing availability of AI tools and technologies, it will be crucial to also encompass AI in future skills training.
Telenor wants to thank the Forum's experts for convening to engage in constructive dialogue and for sharing knowledge and ideas about AI skills, inclusion and safety. The aim is for the AI Forum to promote and foster essential AI skillsets. We cast our net wide, and it is our hope that a range of external audiences will benefit from the expert forum outcomes.
The output from the Forum – shared learnings and guidance/tips emerging through the discussions – will be made available online and be supported by a communications campaign to be launched in Q1 2025 (TBC).
It is our hope that the reporting from these discussions will inspire further exchanges of views on the topic of AI, safety and inclusion – and that stakeholders across the Nordics and beyond will take the opportunity to tune in.
Responsible AI
While AI has the power to reshape the ways we develop and interact with technology, key challenges and risks are emerging in areas such as privacy, security, accountability and biased outcomes. Telenor has developed a set of principles for responsible artificial intelligence, addressing these challenges.