To the editorial offices: Telenor's annual report is available_20

Press release
1 minute read
Telenor ASA's annual report for 2005 is now available in electronic version on and A printed version of Telenor's accounts and the report of the Board of Directors is available in Norwegian and English and will be distributed to Telenor's shareholders.

As an international provider of high quality communication services, Telenor wants to be in the forefront also in the way it presents its annual report. The annual report on Telenor's website has thus been strengthened, while the printed version contains the accounts and report of the Board of Directors. This also has a positive environmental effect, as the total number of printed pages in Telenor's annual report is reduced by approximately 3 million pages.

Scott Engebrigtsen
Head of information, Telenor
Tel.: +47 90 04 34 84