To the editorial offices: Telenor's annual report is available_18

Press release
1 minute read
Telenor ASA's annual report for 2006 is now available in electronic version on A printed version of Telenor's accounts and the report of the Board of Directors is available in Norwegian and English and will be distributed to Telenor's shareholders.

Telenor aims to reduce its consumption of resources and overall impact on the environment. In an effort to keep paper consumption at a minimum, we limit the scope of our printed finacial reports. However, we do not limit the amount of information we issue about our company. The Annual review 2006 is a web-based presentation of Telenor supplementary information for the year 2006 which is not covered in the printed Annual report 2006. Please visit /2006 /review/ for both the the annual report and the annual review.

Scott Engebrigtsen, Vice President Corporate Communications
Tel.: +47 90 04 34 84