Equality and gender pay

Telenor is an equal opportunity employer who considers diversity to be imperative to the way we do business. Equal pay is critical for Telenor to be able to attract, retain and engage employees across all markets. Furthermore, as a responsible business it is important that Telenor also within the compensation area sets high standards and implements robust and sustainable practices.

As such, Telenor applies compensation practices that are transparent, objective, and fair. In 2020, new regulatory requirements related to equality and gender pay were introduced in Norway. Although there is no legal requirement to implement the Norwegian reporting requirements globally, this topic is important to is globally, this topic is important to Telenor in all countries where the company operates, and as such Telenor has prepared a global overview on gender pay for all the core Telco business units and Telenor Group, in addition to the seven companies with more than 50 employees in Norway that presents the full reporting in line with Norwegian requirements.

Equal pay for Telenor means that employees within the same function shall, as a key principle, receive equal pay for work of equal scope and responsibility. Any pay differences for work of equal scope shall only be attributed to difference in employees’ level of skills and experience relevant to the respective roles and/or individual performance. Telenor aims to secure equal pay across all functions and levels of the organisation and conducts yearly group-wide analysis and action planning in all business units to understand and address any gender pay gaps.

2021 Findings

Telenor observes variations between its business units, and this is being mitigated by improving gender representation in certain levels and functions of the organisation, specific focus and consideration during the annual salary review process and creating further awareness and commitment across the people manager population. The company’s efforts have been focused on reducing observed gaps to secure fair and just compensation practices and support the broader diversity and inclusion agenda.

The analysis for 2021 shows that at the business unit band levels, there is variation with pay differentials in the range 78 to 111 percent. At an overall level, the findings show a healthy level of variation at the band levels with certain areas for improvement. Telenor’s approach to addressing gender pay gaps centers on the comparison of equal pay for equal work, as such, the company observes that the total averages by business unit is skewed compared to the actual status at band levels. This is due to female representation being higher in the lower levels of the organisation (55 percent), as compared to the higher levels of organisation (19 percent). As a comparison to the total average salary ratio of 85 percent, the average results at band level stands at 95 percent which the company finds better represents the status as of year-end 2021. Business units have seen positive development and results from the work on this agenda in the past few years. Telenor continues to address diverse representation at all levels of the organisation and has an ambition to see shifts over time that will also positively impact the averages at business unit level.

Gender pay 23 June 2022

Notes/ table explanations:

  • GEM is the Group Executive Management, TMA is Telenor Management Arena which is the senior executive teams in the business units and Senior Vice Presidents in Telenor Group.

  • The global overview displays the gender pay differentials for each of the global bands for Telenor’s telecom business units (companies listed). The analysis is conducted on base pay, other compensation elements are not included.

  • A minimum of 5 observations of each gender is required to report at each level, except for the Group Executive Management where all compensation details are disclosed in the executive compensation report

  • Each cell shows women’s average base salary as compared to the men’s average base salary as a percentage, including the headcount of women and men for each band.

  • Telenor Norway and Telenor ASA includes GEM and TMA in the BU average as these are reported in the company equality statements. For the other BUs, senior management is captured in the GEM/CEO and TMA columns at a global level, to ensure sufficient number of observations for reporting purposes. Expats have been excluded from reporting from TMA to band G to avoid skewing of data/ ensuring comparisons are relevant.

Telenor Norge 2021 Likestillingsredegjørelse


Telenor ASA 2021 Likestillingsredegjørelse